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STOOL2 v091373
For SonyEricsson LG3G and sharp
SEMC Features
LG Supported Models:-
U8110, U8120, U8130, U8138, U8180, U8330 and U8380
Sharp Supported Models:-
V801SH, V802SH ,V902SH and V903SH
SonyEricsson Supported Models:-
F500i, J300i, J300c, K300a, K300c, K300i, K500a, K500c, K500i, K506c, K508c, K508i, K600c, K600i, K608i, K700c, K700i, K750i, K750c, S600i, S700c, S700i, S710a, V600i, V800i, V802SE, W800c, W800i, Z500a, Z500c, Z500i, Z800c, Z800i, Z1010c and Z1010i